Helping local kids in need play the sports they love!
About The Foundation
About Dave Krache
Board of Directors
How Does This Work?
Please only complete the League Assessment once Step 2 (Coach/Teacher Verification) is complete.
The DKF Application - League Assessment
What organization is this assessment for?
What sport is represented by this assessment?
Main contact name at league/park/organization
Please include first and last name
Main contact's email address:
Complete Mailing Address
Checks will be mailed here. Checks may not be re-issued if lost in the mail due to error in mailing address. Please confirm this is accurate before submitting. Include City, State, and Zip Code or League Assessment will be rejected.
How many requests for financial assistance to you anticipate this season?
We recognize that not all requests may be coming to the DKF.
Please explain the type of team this can best be described as:
If you are a 501c3 non-profit organization, you may be asked to send your IRS Letter of Determination. If you mark "other" on the application, you may be asked for additional organization financial records.
School-affiliated (includes Booster Clubs)
Non-Profit (501c3)
For-Profit / Business
Please explain your league/school/park’s protocol for determining hardship or need-based assistance:
Please be as detailed as possible.
How many players did your organization turn away last year due to their inability to pay the registration fee?
Enter "0" if none
What is the total cost of registration for the season for one child?
Enter in U.S. Dollars
Is there a minimum dollar amount required to be paid by the family?
Enter in U.S. Dollars
If the parent cannot contribute 100% of the fees, are there other methods the league has in place to cover the difference?
Please note that if the parent can fundraise, receive support, or establish a payment plan for the balance of registration, outside of extenuating circumstances, The Dave Krache Foundation may not be able to provide assistance to those who apply to play with your league. The Dave Krache Foundation is a small non-profit who aims at helping those families most in-need when all other options are off the table for a family. We believe in the community helping each other, so opportunities for a family that a league offers are wonderful and may allow other children to play sports because of a league's flexibility and creativity in finding all sorts of ways for children to participate.
Yes - the parent can work with the league to fundraise 100% of the balance
Yes - the parent can work with the league to establish a payment plan to cover the balance
Yes - there are other sources of assistance within the league
Yes - the parent can work with the league to fundraise some of the amount owed
No - there are no other ways for the child to participate (no payment plans offered, no assistance, and no fundraising options)
Does the registration fee include equipment/uniforms?
Yes - and the child keeps the equipment/uniforms
Yes - and the child returns the equipment/uniforms
No - the registration fee includes neither uniforms nor equipment
Please list the individuals (First and Last Names) authorized to work with parents and send Requests for Assistance to the DKF.
If an individual contacts us with a Request for Assistance form and is not listed below, we will be unable to consider the request. This is in an effort to ensure that coaches and volunteers associated with the league/park/school are authorized to request assistance on behalf of an organization. Please verify this before submitting: This cannot be changed and checks cannot be re-issued. The Dave Krache Foundation is not responsible for checks mailed to wrong addresses. Please allow 5-7 days for the check to be received once issued.
This assessment has been completed honestly and truthfully and to the best of my ability.
Submit Your Application
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