Buy a base!

Can’t play softball with us on June 22nd, but still want to be there in spirit?

Consider making a donation to the Foundation!

We have 8 slots of $50 open –

Buy home plate, first base, second base, or third base, on either of our two fields.

Remember playing catch with your dad?  Have a fond memory of playing third base in middle school?

Donate $50, and get your name on a banner during the June 22nd tournament.  Your donation goes straight to helping kids play sports in the community.

Want to donate?

Step 1: Email to find out what bases are still available for “reservation”

Step 2: Let her know what you’d like printed on the banner.  For example: “In loving memory of Joe Smith, best dad on 3rd base.”

Step 3: Mail your check to The Dave Krache Foundation, and be sure to note “Buy a Base” in the memo line:

1635 Old 41 Hwy NW

Ste 112-236

Kennesaw, GA 30152

We’ll have photos of the banner to email you, so even if you can’t make it out on the 22nd, we’ll have proof that you were “there!”  🙂