Atlanta Budokan: Kids Falling for Others

These kids ROCK!

Today, kids at Atlanta Budokan had 30 minutes to do as many “falls” as possible.  They split up into groups of 3, and took turns showing various techniques and practicing taking down each other.

Friends and family had pledged to them to see how many falls they could do.

Can you please that over $1200 was fundraised, with more on the way?!  All of this money goes to help kids play the sports they love – more specifically, martial arts at Atlanta Budokan.

Atlanta Budokan has two dojos in Cobb County, and works closely with local schools in the area to offer scholarships to kids in need.  This will go a long way to changing kids’ lives.

Way to go, kids!

Interested in doing a fundraiser for YOUR team or sport?  Contact us!